P-42, r. 7 - Regulation respecting the identification and traceability of certain animals

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Updated to 27 May 2024
This document has official status.
chapter P-42, r. 7
Regulation respecting the identification and traceability of certain animals
Animal Health Protection Act
(chapter P-42, s. 22.1).
O.C. 205-2002; O.C. 161-2004, s. 1.
1. This Regulation governs the identification of bovines, namely the species “Bos taurus” and “Bos indicus” and their hybrids, the identification of cervids, namely the Cervidae family, and the identification of ovines, namely the genus Ovis, kept or raised in Québec.
To ensure the traceability of those animals, an identification system is established.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 1; O.C. 161-2004, s. 2; O.C. 66-2009, s. 1.
1.1. In this Regulation, unless the context indicates otherwise,
“approved tag” means a tag approved under Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations (C.R.C. c. 296); (étiquette approuvée)
“blank tag” means a bangle tag on which no number is printed; (étiquette vierge)
““H of A” tag” means a tag issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency bearing the letters “H of A”; (étiquette “H of A”)
“management body” means the body entrusted with the management of the identification system pursuant to section 22.3 of the Animal Health Protection Act (chapter P-42); (organisme gestionnaire)
“official tag” means a tag recognized as official by the competent authority of the country of origin of the animal and meeting the requirements of Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations; (étiquette officielle)
“operation” means any place where an animal is kept, except a vehicle, an establishment for livestock auctions, a sorting station, a slaughterhouse, an agricultural exhibition, a shopping centre and a community pasture;(exploitation)
“operation of origin” means the operation where the animal was born or the first operation to receive an animal born in Québec outside an operation; (exploitation d’origine)
“printed tag” means a bangle tag on which an identification number is printed; (étiquette imprimée)
“production site” means the livestock building, pen or pasture where animals are kept; (site de production)
“site number” or “number of the site” means the number assigned by the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, to a place where animals are kept or a place where live or dead animals are received; (numéro de site)
“stakeholder number” means the number assigned by the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, to an owner or a custodian of live or dead animals or to a person who plans to become an owner or custodian; (numéro d’intervenant)
“vehicle” means a road vehicle within the meaning of section 4 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2). (véhicule).
O.C. 66-2009, s. 2.
O.C. 66-2009, s. 3.
2. The animal identification system managed by the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, contains the following information in respect of each animal:
(1)  the name and address of the operation of origin and any other information enabling the animal’s owner to be contacted;
(2)  the name, address and stakeholder number of every owner or custodian of the animal and any other useful contact information, the type of activity carried on by the owner or custodian and, where applicable, the date on which the owner or custodian ceases activities;
(3)  the registration number of every agricultural operation registered under Division II of the Regulation respecting the registration of agricultural operations and the payment of property taxes and compensations (chapter M-14, r. 1), where the animal is kept;
(4)  if an operation comprises more than one production site, the address and site number of each site;
(5)  the number and class of any licence issued to every owner or custodian of the animal under section 42 of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1);
(6)  the date of every application for and issue of tags;
(7)  every identification of the animal, including identification recognized under another identification system established by the Government of Canada or the government of another province or Canadian territory, or by the competent authority of the country of origin;
(8)  every date of identification of the animal;
(9)  the address and number of every site where the animal is kept;
(10)  whether the animal is a bovine or an ovine or, in the case of a cervid, its species;
(11)  the animal’s date of birth or, if the animal is a bovine or ovine from outside Québec, its date of birth or weight;
(12)  every category to which the animal belongs;
(13)  the animal’s sex;
(14)  the date and time of all of the animal’s movements and the address and site number of every site from and to which it is moved;
(15)  the number of every movement permit issued pursuant to section 76 of the Health of Animals Regulations (C.R.C. c. 296);
(16)  the registration number of every vehicle and, where applicable, the registration number of every trailer or semi-trailer used to transport the animal;
(17)  if the animal disappears, the date on which the disappearance becomes known;
(18)  the address and number of the site at which the animal dies and the date of death or, if unknown, the date on which the death is discovered; and
(19)  any information sent under this Regulation.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 2; O.C. 161-2004, s. 3; O.C. 66-2009, s. 4.
O.C. 66-2009, s. 5.
2.1. Every owner, custodian or importer of animals must send the following information to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body:
(1)  name, address and telephone number;
(2)  if an agricultural operation is owned and registered under Division II of the Regulation respecting the registration of agricultural operations and the payment of property taxes and compensations (chapter M-14, r. 1), its registration number;
(3)  the address of the site where the animals are kept and, if it is located in an operation comprising more than one production site, the address of each site;
(4)  whether the animals are bovines or ovines or, in the case of cervids, their species;
(5)  the type of activity carried on or proposed to be carried on in respect of the animals; and
(6)  where applicable, the number and class of the licence issued under section 42 of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1).
A person referred to in the first paragraph who ceases activities must so inform the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, within 30 days of the cessation.
O.C. 66-2009, s. 5.
3. The chip tag, printed tag and blank tag used to identify the animals must have the following features:
(1)   be made of non-toxic materials and be fitted with a fastener;
(2)   be designed so as to remain on the animal on which they are affixed at all times;
(3)  not be easily modified or falsified;
(4)   not be easily counterfeit;
(5)  be of the single-use type;
(6)  show a sketch of the fleur-de-lys.
The chip tag and the printed tag must bear the same easy-to-read identification number assigned by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 3; O.C. 161-2004, s. 4; O.C. 66-2009, s. 6.
4. The Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, must issue or cause the issue of the chip tags, printed tags and blank tags at the request of
(1)  the owner or custodian of any animal in an operation;
(2)  the importer, for animals imported from outside Canada; or
(3)  the operator of an establishment for livestock auctions, for animals having lost their tags.
A person who makes such a request must indicate his name, address and, where applicable, stakeholder number; the person must also indicate whether the tags are intended for a bovine or an ovine or, if they are intended for a cervid, its species.
The person may not transfer the tags.
A person who ceases activities must, within 30 days of the cessation, return unused tags to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, at the person’s own expense.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 4; O.C. 77-2003, s. 1; O.C. 161-2004, s. 5; O.C. 66-2009, s. 7.
5. The tags issued may be affixed only to animals that are found at the operation or at the establishment for livestock auctions for which the tags were issued. Where tags are issued to the importer, the tags may also be affixed to the animals before their importation.
A tag is valid as long as it remains on the animal to which it was affixed provided that it remains easily readable and in good working order and its fastener is not altered.
The number of any tag that is no longer valid must be sent to the Minister or, as the case may be, to the management body, within 30 days after the day on which it becomes invalid.
Every unused tag must be kept on the premises of the operation or establishment for livestock auctions unless the tag is for an imported animal. It must be shown on request to an inspector designated under section 22.2 of the Act.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 5; O.C. 161-2004, s. 6; O.C. 66-2009, s. 8 and 23.
6. Subject to Division VII, only an inspector may remove or cause the removal of the tags that were affixed on animals.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 6; O.C. 66-2009, s. 9.
7. No person may keep an animal to which a tag is affixed that
(1)  bears a number that is or was already assigned to identify another animal;
(2)  is intended to identify a species to which the animal does not belong; or
(3)  falsely suggests that it is a tag referred to in section 3.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 7; O.C. 66-2009, s. 10.
O.C. 205-2002, div. III; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
8. An owner, custodian or importer of animals must identify the animals or have them identified and ensure that they remain identified.
Despite the foregoing, the following animals born in Québec are not required to be identified until they are removed from the operation of origin or pasture:
(1)  a bovine aged 7 days or less or, if it is born in pasture and kept with its mother, 5 months or less;
(2)  a cervid less than one year of age, until 31 December following birth; and
(3)  an ovine aged 30 days or less.
A cervid that is in a place where fewer than 6 cervids are kept on 31 December of the current year is also exempt from identification.
If the operation comprises more than one production site, an animal that is removed from a production site is considered to be removed from the operation unless the animal is a bovine or an ovine and the site is less than 10 km from the location where most of the operation’s activities are carried on.
The owner or custodian of a cervid, other than a cervid referred to in the third paragraph, born before 26 February 2009 and kept in Québec must identify the animal or have it identified in accordance with section 9 or 10 of that Regulation not later than 31 December 2010 or before the cervid is removed from the operation, whichever is earlier. (O.C. 66-2009, s. 25)
O.C. 205-2002, s. 8; O.C. 161-2004, s. 7; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11 and 25.
9. An animal is identified by affixing a chip tag to one of its ears and a printed tag to the other ear. The tags must comply with the provisions of section 3, bear the same identification number, be affixed so that they remain on the animal and be valid.
The following animals are deemed to be identified in accordance with section 9 or 10 as long as the tags remain on the animal:
(1) a cervid to which are affixed a chip tag and a printed tag bearing the same unique identification number issued by Agri-Traçabilité Québec before 25 February 2009;
(2) a cervid kept in a zoological garden or wildlife observation centre for which a licence was issued under Division IV or V of the Regulation respecting animals in captivity (chapter C-61.1, r. 5), to which one of the tags issued by Agri-Traçabilité Québec is affixed; and
(3) a white-tailed deer that, on 25 February 2009, is kept in Québec and is identified in accordance with section 47 or 57 of the Regulation respecting animals in captivity. (ref: O.C. 66-2009, s. 26)
O.C. 205-2002, s. 9; O.C. 161-2004, s. 8; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11 and 26.
10. Despite section 9, the following animals are deemed to be identified in accordance with section 9:
(1)  an animal to which 2 official or approved tags are affixed, namely one chip tag and one printed tag;
(2)  an animal to which an approved printed tag is affixed, provided that a chip tag bearing the same number is affixed to the other ear;
(3)  an animal to which an approved chip tag is affixed, provided that a tag, printed or blank when issued, bearing the same number is affixed to the other ear;
(4)  an animal to which an official chip tag is affixed, provided that a blank tag bearing the same number is affixed to the other ear;
(5)  a cervid kept in a zoological garden, for which a licence was issued under the Regulation respecting licences to keep animals in captivity (chapter C-61.1, r. 20.1.1), to which only one chip or printed tag is affixed, or an “H of A” tag; and
(6)  white-tailed deer to which only one printed tag is affixed.
The following animals are deemed to be identified in accordance with section 9 or 10 as long as the tags remain on the animal:
(1) a cervid to which are affixed a chip tag and a printed tag bearing the same unique identification number issued by Agri-Traçabilité Québec before 25 February 2009;
(2) a cervid kept in a zoological garden or wildlife observation centre for which a licence was issued under Division IV or V of the Regulation respecting animals in captivity (chapter C-61.1, r. 5), to which one of the tags issued by Agri-Traçabilité Québec is affixed; and
(3) a white-tailed deer that, on 25 February 2009, is kept in Québec and is identified in accordance with section 47 or 57 of the Regulation respecting animals in captivity. (ref: O.C. 66-2009, s. 26)
O.C. 205-2002, s. 10; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11 and 26; O.C. 1070-2018, s. 1.
11. An owner, custodian or importer of animals who identifies or causes an animal to be identified must send to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, his name, address, stakeholder number and the information required under paragraphs 7 to 13 of section 2 in respect of that identification, within 7 days of the animal’s identification or before the animal is removed from the operation, whichever is earlier.
In the case of an animal from outside Québec arriving at the operation, the owner, custodian or importer must also send the information required under paragraphs 14 and 15 of section 2 in respect of that identification, as well as the name and address of the preceding owner or custodian or, if the latter information cannot be provided, the name and address of the carrier and the information required under paragraph 16 of section 2 in respect of that identification.
The owner or custodian of a cervid to which a chip tag and a printed tag bearing the same unique identification number issued by Agri-Traçabilité Québec before 25 February 2009 is affixed, of a cervid kept in a zoological garden or wildlife observation centre for which a licence was issued under Division IV or V of the Regulation respecting animals in captivity (chapter C-61.1, r. 5) and to which one of the tags issued by Agri-Traçabilité Québec is affixed, of a white-tailed deer that, on 25 February 2009, is kept in Québec and is identified in accordance with section 47 or 57 of the Regulation respecting animals in captivity, or of a cervid that, on 25 February 2009, is kept in a zoological garden or wildlife observation centre for which a licence was issued under Division IV or V of the Regulation respecting animals in captivity and to which an "H of A" tag is affixed, must send to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, the owner’s or custodian’s name, address and stakeholder number, as well as the information referred to in paragraphs 8 to 13 of section 2 of the Regulation respecting the identification and traceability of certain animals and, if applicable, the information referred to in paragraph 7 of that section not later than 26 May 2009.
In the case of white-tailed deer referred to in section 2 of Division IX of the Regulation respecting animals in captivity, the owner or custodian must also provide the number of the tattoo required under section 57 of that Regulation. (ref: O.C. 66-2009, s. 27)
O.C. 205-2002, s. 11; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11; O.C. 1070-2018, s. 2.
12. An owner or custodian of animals who, because of invalid tags, identifies an animal or causes an animal to be identified again in an operation, as well as an operator of an establishment for livestock auctions who, because of tags lost in the establishment or during transportation to the establishment, again identifies an animal no longer bearing tags or causes such an animal to be identified again must, within 7 days after the identification or before the animal is removed from the operation, whichever is earlier, send the following information to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body:
(1)  the name, address and stakeholder number of the owner, custodian or operator;
(2)  the name and address of the operation or establishment;
(3)  the numbers of the replaced tags;
(4)  the numbers of the new tags;
(5)  the date on which the animal was identified again; and
(6)  whether the animal is a bovine or an ovine or, in the case of a cervid, its species.
If tags become invalid outside the operation or, in the case of the operator, tags are lost during transportation to the operator’s establishment, the following information must also be sent:
(1)  the date on which the animal is received at the operation or establishment, the name and address of the owner or custodian prior to transportation and the address and number of the site from which the animal originates;
(2)  the registration number of the vehicle and, where applicable, the registration number of the trailer or semi-trailer used to transport the animal, and the name and address of the carrier; and
(3)  the number of the movement permit issued pursuant to section 76 of the Health of Animals Regulations (C.R.C. c. 296).
An operator of a slaughterhouse receiving an animal that lost its tags during transportation to the slaughterhouse must, within 7 days of the animal’s arrival, send to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, the information referred to in subparagraphs 1, 2 and 6 of the first paragraph and in the second paragraph, with the necessary modifications.
Supporting documents that evidence the origin of the animal must be kept at the operation, establishment or slaughterhouse. They must be kept for at least 10 years in chronological order from the day they are received or drawn up and be shown to an inspector on request.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 12; O.C. 161-2004, s. 9; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
13. No person may withdraw or cause the withdrawal of an animal from an operation if the animal is not identified.
No person may withdraw or cause the withdrawal of an animal from another place if the animal is not bearing at least one tag required by section 9 or 10.
No person may transport or receive, or cause to be transported or received, a bovine originating from Québec, another province or a Canadian territory, or a cervid or an ovine originating from Québec, if the animal is not bearing at least one tag required by section 9 or 10, or an unidentified ovine originating from another province or Canadian territory, unless
(1)  the animal is moved through the territory of Québec in a vehicle without leaving the vehicle; or
(2)  the animal loses the tag or tags during transportation.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 13; O.C. 161-2004, s. 10; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
14. No person may send under this Regulation information that is inaccurate, illegible or incomplete.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 14; O.C. 161-2004, s. 11; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
15. (Replaced).
O.C. 205-2002, s. 15; O.C. 161-2004, s. 12; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
16. (Replaced).
O.C. 205-2002, s. 16; O.C. 161-2004, s. 13; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
17. (Replaced).
O.C. 205-2002, s. 17; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
18. (Replaced).
O.C. 205-2002, s. 18; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
19. (Replaced).
O.C. 205-2002, s. 19; O.C. 66-2009, s. 11.
20. Any person who receives an animal must send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, the following information, in the following cases and time limits:
(1)  his name, address and stakeholder number, the information referred to in paragraphs 7, 10, 11 and 13 to 15 of section 2 applicable to that situation and the name and address of the owner or, where applicable, of the previous custodian or, if he cannot provide that information, the name and address of the carrier as well as the registration number of the vehicle and, where applicable, the registration number of the trailer or semi-trailer used to transport the animal, for an animal received at the operation, except if the information is sent in accordance with section 11 or 12, within 7 days following the animal’s arrival on the operation or before its transfer from the operation, whichever comes first;
(2)  his name, address and stakeholder number, the information referred to in paragraphs 7, 10, 14 and 15 of section 2 applicable to that situation and the name and address of the owner or, where applicable, the previous custodian or, if he cannot provide that information, the name and address of the carrier as well as the registration number of the vehicle and, where applicable, the registration number of the trailer or semi-trailer used to transport the animal, for an animal received in any place other than an operation or community pasture and except if the information is sent in accordance with section 11, 12 or 25, within 7 days following the receipt or the end of the exhibition of the animal or following the recuperation or receipt of the dead animal, as the case may be.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 20; O.C. 161-2004, s. 14; O.C. 66-2009, s. 12 and 23.
21. Any animal owner or custodian who moves an animal to a community pasture must send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, his name, address and stakeholder number, those of the manager of the pasture and the information referred to in paragraphs 7, 14 and 16 of section 2 applicable to that situation within 7 days following the arrival of the animal at the pasture, or before its transfer from the pasture, whichever comes first.
In this Regulation, “community pasture” means a site where animals from different operations may be found.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 21; O.C. 161-2004, s. 15; O.C. 66-2009, s. 13 and 23.
22. Every animal owner or custodian that moves an animal outside Québec, that moves a cervid from a place in Québec to another place in Québec, or that moves an ovine from a place in Québec to a place in Québec other than an establishment for livestock auctions or a slaughterhouse must send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, his name, address and stakeholder number, the name and address of the operation, the information referred to in subparagraphs 7, 14 and 15 of section 2 that applies to the operation and the name and address of the owner or, where applicable, of the following custodian or, if that information cannot be provided, the name and address of the carrier as well as the registration number of the vehicle and, where applicable, the registration number of the trailer or semi-trailer used to transport the animal within 7 days after the event.
However, in the case of an agricultural exhibition, the information on the movements of an animal must be sent within 7 days after the end of the exhibition.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 22; O.C. 161-2004, s. 16; O.C. 66-2009, s. 14.
22.1. The operator of an establishment for livestock auctions from which an animal is moved to any other place must send to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, the operator’s name, address and stakeholder number, as well as the information referred to in paragraphs 7 to 14 of section 2 applicable to that situation within 7 days after the day on which the animal is moved.
In the case of a bovine or an ovine, the operator must also indicate the weight of the animal.
O.C. 66-2009, s. 15.
22.2. The owner or custodian of an animal that has disappeared must send to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, the owner’s or custodian’s name, address and stakeholder number, as well as the information referred to in paragraphs 7, 9, 10, 13 and 17 of section 2 applicable to that situation within 7 days after the day on which the animal’s disappearance becomes known.
O.C. 66-2009, s. 15.
23. Any person who transports an animal must send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, the person’s name, address and stakeholder number, those of the owner or, where applicable, of the previous and following custodian as well as the information referred to in paragraphs 7, 10, 14 and 16 of section 2 applicable to that situation within 7 days following the transportation.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 23; O.C. 161-2004, s. 17; O.C. 66-2009, s. 16 and 23.
24. Where the ownership of an operation is transferred, the assignor must send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, the assignor’s name, address and stakeholder number, the name and address of the operation and those of the acquirer within 30 days following the transfer.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 24; O.C. 66-2009, s. 17 and 23.
25. A slaughterhouse operator may receive an unidentified animal from outside Canada for immediate slaughter. In that case, the operator must send the following information to the Minister or, as the case may be, the management body, within 7 days after the animal’s arrival at the slaughterhouse:
(1)  the operator’s name, address and stakeholder number;
(2)  the date of the animal’s arrival at the slaughterhouse, the name and address of the owner or custodian prior to transportation and the place from which the animal originates;
(3)  the registration number of the vehicle and, where applicable, the registration number of the trailer or semi-trailer used to transport the animal to the slaughterhouse, as well as the name and address of the carrier; and
(4)  whether the animal is a bovine or an ovine or, in the case of a cervid, its species.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 25; O.C. 161-2004, s. 18; O.C. 66-2009, s. 18.
26. The operator of a slaughterhouse may remove the tags from an animal which was slaughtered there.
In the same way, the operator of a rendering plant or the person in charge of an animal pathology laboratory who disposes of a dead animal elsewhere than at the operation where the animal died and the inspector referred to in section 22.2 of the Act may remove its tags.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 26; O.C. 66-2009, s. 19, 23 and 27.
27. A waste collector or operator of a rendering plant who recovers an unidentified dead animal in a place other than an operation must send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, within the 7 days following the recovery, the collector’s or operator’s name, address and stakeholder number, the name and address of the preceding owner and custodian as well as the date and place of the recovery.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 27; O.C. 66-2009, s. 20 and 23.
28. Any animal owner or custodian must, within 7 days following the death of an animal which has not been recovered by a waste collector or a rendering plant, report it to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body and send to him his name, address and stakeholder number as well as the information referred to in paragraphs 7, 10 and 18 of section 2 applicable to that situation.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 28; O.C. 161-2004, s. 19; O.C. 66-2009, s. 21 and 23.
O.C. 77-2003, s. 2; O.C. 66-2009, s. 22.
28.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 77-2003, s. 2; O.C. 66-2009, s. 22.
28.2. (Revoked).
O.C. 77-2003, s. 2; O.C. 66-2009, s. 22.
29. Any animal owner or custodian shall, before 15 April 2002, identify or have all the animals he keeps in Québec on 14 April 2002 identified at the operation by affixing a chip tag on one of the animal’s ears and a bar code tag on the other; both tags shall comply with the requirements of section 3 and bear the same identification number. Furthermore, he must send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, his name and address, the name and address of the operation as well as the information referred to in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 2, if in this last case he knows that information or should have known it, and that referred to in subparagraphs 3 to 10 and 13 of that paragraph before 1 June 2002 or before the transfer of the animal from the operation, whichever comes first.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 29; O.C. 66-2009, s. 23.
30. Until 15 April 2005 and notwithstanding the provisions of sections 13, 18 and 19, of paragraph 1 of section 20, of sections 21, 22 and 28, the person who owns a livestock operation has 45 days from the date of the event instead of the time limits prescribed by those provisions to send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, the information required by those provisions. However, in the case of paragraph 2 of section 13 and of sections 18 and 20 for an animal from outside Canada and of section 22 if the animal is sent outside Canada, the person operating an operation has a time limit of 30 days from the date of the event instead of the time limit of 7 days prescribed by these provisions.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 30; O.C. 161-2004, s. 20; O.C. 66-2009, s. 23.
30.1. Every owner or custodian of ovines must, before 16 April 2004 or before the transfer of an ovine from an operation, whichever comes first, identify or have identified at the operation all the ovines kept by the owner or custodian in Québec on 17 March 2004 by affixing a chip tag to one of the ovine’s ears and a bar code tag to the other ear; both tags must comply with the requirements of section 3, bear the same identification number and be affixed to a single animal. Only ovine identification tags may be affixed to ovines.
The owner or custodian must also send to the Minister or, as the case may be, to the management body, his name and address, the name and address of the operation, the information referred to in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 2 and the information referred to in subparagraphs 3 to 10, 13 and 14 of that paragraph before 1 May 2004 or no later than the 45th day after the day of the transfer of the ovine from the operation, whichever comes first.
O.C. 161-2004, s. 21; O.C. 66-2009, s. 23.
31. (Omitted).
O.C. 205-2002, s. 31.
O.C. 205-2002, 2002 G.O. 2, 1581
O.C. 77-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 899
O.C. 161-2004, 2004 G.O. 2, 1115
O.C. 66-2009, 2009 G.O. 2, 153
O.C. 1070-2018, 2018 G.O. 2, 4346